Friday, October 26, 2012

East High Football Players Read to Us

We were lucky to have football players from East High come read books with us today. We had eleven players in our classroom! It was a great treat for them to share Halloween books with us. Thank you for visiting us, East football team!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

First Quarter Conferences

First Quarter Conferences are wrapping up. I have very much enjoyed meeting you and discussing your child's academic progress in first grade. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions or concerns you may have; your child's agenda is a wonderful place for us to make those contacts with one another.

Those of you I have not yet arranged a conference with, please advise me of your earliest connivence as I am eager to meet with each parent. Your child's academic success is propelled by our joint commitment in their learning targets. I look forward to meeting you soon.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pawsitive Behavior Day

As a reward for reaching 500 shout outs, school wide, we celebrated with an early Pawsitive Behavior Day. This time the theme was careers. First graders were lucky to have the opportunity to explore careers presented by each of the first grade teachers. Ms. White provided students within archeological dig where many treasures and fossils were uncovered. Students explored careers in music with Ms. Socha, and were able to perform their singing talents. They were invited to explore careers in law enforcement in Ms. McMurray's classroom with the help of Fletcher's police department representatives. Finally, in our classroom students were offered an unique experience in an effort to explore careers associated with flight. Ms. Pace and I built a life-size aircraft in the classroom that sat 22 passengers. We offered inflight entertainment and snacks as we red presented flight attendants. My father, Mr. Wilson was a guest in our classroom and spoke about careers in air traffic control. Of course security was of upmost concern, therefore no passengers were issued boarding passes or permitted on the aircraft without successfully passing through security.

During student's specials hour they were lead through a career fair where they learned about several more careers including paramedics, health care, technology, sports broadcasting, and many more!

We had a great day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Scholastic Book Club Orders

Scholastic book club order magazines are going home today.  I will place the order on Wednesday, October 10, 2012.  We should expect the order to arrive on or around Wednesday, October 17, 2012.

If you are interested in ordering you may do so by sending a check to school, or ordering online with our classroom code (GYTGY).  Please enter the classroom code so your child's books are delivered with the rest of the class.  Also, if you place your order online at home you will recieve a $5 gift card to be used on your next Scholastic book club purchase AND our classroom will recieve free books.  Click the banner below to order now.

Consider ordering now for Christmas and special occasions.